4 July 2024

Documentary: Investigação Europa - Geography of Discontent

Investigate Europe
Investigate Europe
A feeling of political neglect has driven rural Europe to vote for far-right parties. Geography of discontent is out now. The second episode of a series of investigative documentaries launched by Investigate Europe explores the rise of the far right in rural Europe.
What do places like Görlitz, in Germany, Salizzole, in Italy, and Elvas, in Portugal have in common? They are the places where far-right parties gained the most votes in the last general elections.
Investigate Europe discovered that voting in these rural regions was a form of protest, triggered by a feeling of political neglect or abandonment by politicians when it came to accessing social infrastructure such as schools and hospitals.

Geography of discontent is the second episode of Investigação Europa (Investigate Europe), a 10-part series from a new partnership with Portuguese public broadcaster RTP - Radio e Televisão de Portugal. More films will be released in the coming months.

Check out this space for more and explore our series of articles on the topic.


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