In light of the crisis sweeping Europe, our team has decided to use our position as a cross-border team to look at the political landscape and the different national strategies being followed. At a time when Europe should unite and follow best practices, we will examine the dangerous impact of national governments taking contradictory and individualist measures.

January 2023

In light of the crisis sweeping Europe, our team has decided to use our position as a cross-border team to look at the political landscape and the different national strategies being followed. At a time when Europe should unite and follow best practices, we will examine the dangerous impact of national governments taking contradictory and individualist measures.


Interactive graph: Covid-19 in Europe
Click here for Investigate Europe’s graph based on hourly updated data from Johns Hopkins University.

We compiled the data of all EEA states for one common “Europe” chart to show the situation we face together. But you can also choose to single out and compare the situation of different countries. One page shows deaths from Covid-19 — a country appears when it has recorded ten deaths. The next page shows confirmed cases of the virus.


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Οι πολυεθνικές πίσω από την πολυεθνική Τeleperformance
Οι πολυεθνικές πίσω από την πολυεθνική Τeleperformance

EfSyn, Greece

3 May 2023

Πώς η Ευρώπη απέτυχε να αναχαιτίσει τον ιό
Πώς η Ευρώπη απέτυχε να αναχαιτίσει τον ιό

Newsweek Poland, Poland

5 April 2023

Teleperformance: succès boursier, maltraitances sociales
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Mediapart, France

22 June 2020

Τηλεργασία με καθυστέρηση, μη τήρηση καραντίνας και webcam στα σπίτια
Τηλεργασία με καθυστέρηση, μη τήρηση καραντίνας και webcam στα σπίτια

EfSyn, Greece

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EfSyn, Greece

29 April 2020

Η (μυστική) συνεργασία ΕΟΔΥ - Teleperformance και τα 6 σκοτεινά σημεία της
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Diário de Notícias, Portugal

10 April 2020

Is het nu te laat?
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De Groene Amsterdammer, Netherlands

7 April 2020

Europa splittrat om ”coronaobligationer”
Europa splittrat om ”coronaobligationer”

Kvartal, Sweden

6 April 2020

Πώς η Ευρώπη απέτυχε να αναχαιτίσει τον ιό
Πώς η Ευρώπη απέτυχε να αναχαιτίσει τον ιό

EfSyn, Greece

5 April 2020

Já há apps para rastrear o covid-19 no telefone, e isso pode ser um risco
Já há apps para rastrear o covid-19 no telefone, e isso pode ser um risco

Diário de Notícias, Portugal

4 April 2020

Deutschland will EU-Partnern nicht helfen: Bitte keine Fortsetzung der alten Krisenschlacht!
Deutschland will EU-Partnern nicht helfen: Bitte keine Fortsetzung der alten Krisenschlacht!

Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

2 April 2020

Facebook und Instagram haben – immer noch – ein Problem mit betrügerischen Coronavirus-Anzeigen
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BuzzFeed, Germany

2 April 2020

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Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

1 April 2020

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Meldte Norge inn i EUs felles medisinkjøp etter at korona-epidemien traff. Tre dager for seint.

Bergens Tidende, Norway

31 March 2020

Meldte Norge inn i EUs felles medisinkjøp etter at korona-epidemien traff. Tre dager for seint
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Stavanger Aftenblad, Norway

31 March 2020

Da Varsavia a Parigi: un grande fratello (a fin di bene) per tutti
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Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy

31 March 2020

Portugals statsminister: – Enten gjør EU det som må gjøres, ellers er det slutt: Eurosona trues på livet
Portugals statsminister: – Enten gjør EU det som må gjøres, ellers er det slutt: Eurosona trues på livet

Klassekampen, Norway

30 March 2020

Hoe de coronacrisis Europa maakt of kraakt
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Trends, Belgium

30 March 2020

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Diário de Notícias, Portugal

30 March 2020

Coronabonds: a Europa numa nova crise, e a solução evidente
Coronabonds: a Europa numa nova crise, e a solução evidente

Diário de Notícias, Portugal

27 March 2020

Europejski chaos. Epidemia mogła nas ominąć, gdyby rządzący posłuchali małego unijnego instytutu
Europejski chaos. Epidemia mogła nas ominąć, gdyby rządzący posłuchali małego unijnego instytutu

Newsweek Poland, Poland

23 March 2020

Widersprüchlicher Umgang mit dem Virus: Wie die EU in der Coronakrise versagt
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Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

23 March 2020

Combater o coronavírus é uma tarefa nacional ou europeia?
Combater o coronavírus é uma tarefa nacional ou europeia?

Diário de Notícias, Portugal

23 March 2020